Why should you study MBA at South India’s best management college?

Why should you study MBA at South India’s best management college?
Ans. There are several good reasons to study at St Xavier’s Bangalore:
- Xavier’s Bangalore has an excellent learning environment.
- It has experienced faculty members and a modern classroom architecture. The course is AICTE accredited.
- The coursework is comprehensive and updated.
- There is great emphasis on practical skills and industry-relevant skills.
- Several socially conscious outreach programmes are conducted.
- SXB provides vital placement assistance and the assurance of placement.
- Career counselling facilities
- Summer internship programmes lasting 8 weeks, to improve industry experience and market awareness to supplement theoretical education
- Important ancillary skills such as effective verbal communication, team building, organizing and strategizing, and leadership skills are imparted throughout the course.
- Four terms are completed on campus and after the satisfactory completion of all the courses, students undergo a fifth term in the form of IIP or Industry Internship Programme with lasts for over 3 months. It is vital in ensuring the preparedness of a student for actual industry life.
- Excellent library services with E-learning services.
- Current Awareness Services for specific research greatly aid students. The availability of new resources is communicated to students via email and text messages.
In addition to this, Southern India is an excellent landscape for both primary and secondary education. Individuals trained in South Indian colleges often fair exceedingly well and in general relatively better in high skilled jobs. This has to do with the high literacy rate, developed public infrastructure, an ‘education conscious’ society, and government initiatives to support high performing students. Bangalore is an Information Technology hub which is home to several IT firms and many fotune 500 companies. It is a clean, safe and sophisticated city which will contribute to the round development of a management student. The campus’s proximity to large corporations increases the likelihood of getting excellent job opportunities straight out of college. The industry internship programme involves a symbiotic relationship between these companies and St Xavier’s Bangalore which allows them to benefit from the recruitment of talented graduates and in turn gives the University educational access to its functioning.